Options Strategies
Protect uncertain future cash flows against exchange rate volatility.
Using FX structured products to manage your currency risk
Vanilla options are financial contracts that give you the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell currency at a predefined price over a certain period of time. They are customized hedging instruments designed to fit a particular situation or capitalize upon a potential market outcome. Options can be tailored to your hedging policy and risk profile.
Options can be customized to meet your currency, timing, risk, and cost requirements, and can offer the benefit of:
Capturing upside risk while protecting against downside risk
Smoothing out short-term earnings volatility and managing your liquidity or solvency, and debt obligations
Protecting your cash flow, and reported earnings per share by hedging your balance sheet
Providing protection against unfavourable exchange rate movements while potentially giving you the ability to participate in favourable movements
Certain products may offer the advantage of zero premium
We can offer a variety of structured options to suitable, qualified parties.
Discuss your needs with one of our consultants
To learn how we can tailor solutions for you